[NeedForSpeed] Paying for the airport shuttle.

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Wed May 10 03:36:18 CEST 2006

[Sean Reifschneider]
> Just got some more information in:
>    http://www.keflavikairport.com/terminal.html
> Also, Iceland's counterterrorism unit, according to wikipedia, is called
> "The Viking Squad".  Best not to make fun of anyone wearing viking
> helmets. :-)

It's always good to visit the CIA's website before traveling:


There you'll learn vital stuff such as that Iceland is currently embroiled
in two international disputes:

    Iceland disputes Denmark's alignment of the Faroe Islands'
    fisheries median line; Iceland, the UK, and Ireland dispute
    Denmark's claim that the Faroe Islands' continental shelf
    extends beyond 200 nm.

So the prudent visitor will avoid arguing with natives about Faroe Islands
boundaries, and will stock up on Dane repellant just in case ;-)

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