[PyDelhi] PyDelhi Virtual Get-together | MOM & Follow Up

satyakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 20:36:23 EDT 2021

> 1. Dev Sprint
> Organizing a Dev Sprint virtually can be quite challenging but the
> community discussed a variety of ideas today which can be taken forward
> - Open Source Platforms: Zulip, Jami, Mumble, Jitsi
> - Others: Discord, Airmeet, Google Meet
> Assuming we will be having multiple projects and attendees who might be a
> beginner in Open Source, let us know which platform and what process would
> be better to handle a Dev Sprint.

Tools are not an issue people are let this activity be on third priority

> 2. A regular meetup with talks
> Nikhil proposed we should get back on the biweekly schedule starting from
> Sunday, 11th April 2021. And for that, we invite you to submit talks by
> creating a new issue here[0]. Please share this with your friends and peers
> who might be working on some cool Python or Open Source projects.

This one should be our first priority

3. Python, PyDelhi, and PyCon India collaboration/promotions
> Just like the old days when physical meetups were not a problem we used to
> organize various collaborative meetups in Schools and Universities/Colleges
> to promote Python, PyDelhi and PyCon India before the conference. Lakshya,
> Shubham, Nikhil, Sanchit, and others are interested in reaching out to
> their colleges/schools they're connected to regarding this.
> Do you want to help organize meetups in your workplace/college/school?
> Feel free to discuss.

This is something interesting as we are talking i am looking for an
Educational institution to collaborate on in a Project

Satyakam.dev | afrost.org | fossevents.in <http://www.fossevents.in>
** For all official purposes use my name as Satyakam Goswami **
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