[PyDelhi] [Meetup] PyDelhi Virtual Meetup on 9th May

Nikhil Maan nikhilmaan22 at gmail.com
Wed May 6 10:27:43 EDT 2020

Hey folks,

We hope you all are safe during these unprecedented times. Most of have
been getting bored in our homes during the quarantine. It's time we turn
some of that free time productive and learn something new. PyDelhi will be
organizing a virtual meetup on May 09, Saturday.
You can join us for the event at [1]. The event will also be live-streamed
on [5]

Date and Time
May 09, 2020,    11:00 A.M. to 1:10 P.M.

*11.00 a.m.*: SOLID Design Principles by Ankush Chander [2]
*12:00 p.m.*: Break
*12.10 p.m.*: The Era of an Edge Device by Deepanshu Bhinda and Arshil
Singh [3]

1) Basic acquaintance with python, Object-Oriented Principles.
2) Python, Deep learning, and some knowledge of embedded systems

If you want to propose a talk/workshop for a future event, please open an
issue at [4], our volunteers will contact you for further information.


[1] meet.jit.si/PyDelhi_virtual_meet
[2] https://github.com/pydelhi/talks/issues/178
[3] https://github.com/pydelhi/talks/issues/183
[4] https://github.com/pydelhi/talks/issues
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReWadscUW3k

Nikhil Maan
PyDelhi Volunteer
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