[PyDelhi] wmn; - India's Biggest Women-Only Hackathon + Conference

denver dsouza denverjude at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 07:18:26 EDT 2019

Hi Shashank,

The event is not specifically targeted towards only the bangalore crowd as
such. My hypothesis is that many students/graduates from other cities will
be in bangalore in the summer for their internships and full time jobs
anyway. We're providing hackers travel reimbursements from across India to
attend the hackathon as well.

Had already shared on the Bangpypers mailing list. Wanted to let the
developer community in other cities across India know about it too. So,
we're trying to spread the word through all channels.

Let me know about any more pages/groups (general or women-centric) you know
of where I can share about the event.

On Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 05:54, Shashank <abc at shanky.xyz> wrote:

> Hello Denver,
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Friday, April 26, 2019 8:00 AM, denver dsouza <denverjude at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Currently, only 20% of hackathon participants are women. It's a low
> number, unfortunately equal to the percentage of women pursuing degrees in
> Computer Science and reflective of the representation of women-in-tech in
> general as well.
> We at Devfolio <http://devfolio.co> believe that community hackathons
> (checkout InOut <https://hackinout.co/> and ETHIndia <http://ethindia.co/> organised
> by us) are a great way to break down barriers to entry in the tech space
> for women.
> We’re delighted to announce India’s biggest all-women hackathon - wmn;
> <https://wmn.community/> happening in Bangalore on 1-2 June. With wmn;
> we're looking to shape the way women get involved with tech. You can have
> fun, be creative, build, break, learn, and ask questions in a space that
> celebrates diversity.
> That's a great initiative. I would suggest you share these details on the
> BangPypers[0] mailing list as well. BangPypers being Bangalore based Python
> User Group would be a great place where you can find a greater proportion
> of people from the city.
> We're also going to have a great lineup of speakers for the conference
> which is free for all to attend irrespective of gender. Tickets are live
> here <https://devfolio.co/wmn/ticket>, get them before they disappear!
> In case of any queries feel free to reach out to me on denver at devfolio.co
>  or Tanu <https://twitter.com/jaintanu1108> - tanu at wmn.community
> Regards,
> Denver
> Organiser
> wmn; <https://wmn.community/> - twitter
> <https://twitter.com/wmn_community>, medium
> <https://medium.com/wmn/introducing-wmn-b2932122c6fa>
> [0] https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers
> ---
> Shashank | realslimshanky
> https://shanky.dev
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