[PyDelhi] Call for speakers for PyDelhi meetup on 5th August 2017

abc at shanky.xyz abc at shanky.xyz
Fri Jul 28 07:41:39 EDT 2017

Hello folks,

PyDelhi meeting  is just around the corner i.e. on 5 August. We are 
looking for speakers for our next meet up who are ready to give a 
talk/workshop/lightning talks in the technology they have been working 
on and would like to share their work with the community.
To propose a talk or a workshop just create an issue to the 
repository[1] and someone from the team will review it.
See you all at the bi weekly meeting.

Happy Coding!

[1] Link to the repo: https://github.com/pydelhi/talks

PS: Do mention about the duration of the talk.

Shashank Kumar

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