[PyDelhi] [UPDATE] Call for Proposals

Peeyush Aggarwal peeyushaggarwal94 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 14:04:47 EDT 2016

Hello Pythonistas

This is a reminder about the Call for Proposals for Pycon India, 2016. The
same is open for submission for proposals and only about 15 days are left
for the same. The submissions would close on June/30th/2016

The community has been constantly putting emphasis on maintaining high
quality in talks and workshops for Pycon India. Quality can be maintained
only if the proposals are of high quality and the submissions contain
relevant content and information to make a proper judgement on selection.

It becomes the responsibility of our community to poke and encourage every
pythonista around them to submit proposals from their respective field of
interest and expertise. Also, I appeal all you people to start reviewing
the proposals and comment relevant questions/queries on the CFP portal [1]
so as to have a healthy discussion on proposals.

Feel free to reach us out on this thread in case you have any queries or

Best Regards
Team InPyCon

[1] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2016/proposals/
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