[PyDelhi] MOM 8th Oct 2015 weekly call

Anuvrat Parashar anuvrat at anuvrat.in
Thu Oct 8 12:40:35 EDT 2015


We had the weekly call on thursday, 8th october 2015, 9 - 10 pm.
And here are the minutes for those who couldn't make it.

saturday randezvous:
    - checkout the venue around south delhi.
    - contact quanon for more details.

miniconf decisions:
    - date decided to be in the last week of february
    - [TBD] reverse timeline outlining the action items.
    - get the CPF et el opened by the end of next week.

meetup, 17th:
    - theskumar volunteered for coordinating the next meetup.
    - aktech and anuvrat to report on the finalized venue -> sarai or DTU.

Anuvrat Parashar <http://anuvrat.in>
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