[Ncr-Python.in] [Ncr-python.in] Voting for renaming the group

Fasih Ahmad Fakhri fasihahmadfakhri at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 20:22:17 CEST 2015

On 18 June 2015 at 23:42, Vinay Dahiya <vinay.not.nice at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys so as mentioned Thursday was the final date for submitting
> your responses to the vote.
> So the winner is:
>  Pydelhi

Sounds great.

> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zhboqXvoxOTwXy3Eru6cq0cSY2K0Yih9_vX4WRGhz4Y/viewanalytics?usp=already_responded
> @Saurabh have taken up the responsibility to setup and update the
> required social presence.
> Do shout out to give him a hand in anything you can help out with. Eg
> setting up website, managing twitter, facebook group, etc..

As I am active and only available on Google Plus, so I will be responsible
creating PyDelhi Google Plus community.

Currently I am going to create PyDelhi Google Plus Community on invite


Fasih Ahmad Fakhri | Python Developer | Fedora Project
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Fasihahmadfakhri> |
fasihahmad.github.com <http://www.fasihahmad.github.com>
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