[PyDelhi] [Commercial] pitch for freelance projects

aditya menon adityamenon90 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 14:00:30 CEST 2015


> During the open-house,
    - Aditya Menon requested people to contact him for exciting freelance

Said Aditya Menon may be reached at hello at adityamenon.co :-)

To reiterate my pitch:

I'm looking for technically challenging work to expand my capabilities from
being a web stack developer. I would like to *take my time* delivering the
solution (so as to do justice to my full time gig) but the solution could
help your organisation improve something that always annoyed you / wished
you could have.

We can negotiate on the price and payment terms depending on the "thing"
being built: I'm willing to sweeten the deal (but not insult my self

I'm happy to work with any tech, except in PHP (unless you're willing to
let me try Hack).

Examples range from streamlining your deployments and ops in general, to
building a PoC in a new language/framework to prove something to your team,
to extracting info about performance and security of your application(s),
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