[PyDelhi] how to integrate flake8 with pycharm

Balaji G fossbalaji at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 01:53:39 EST 2015

   I'm using pycharm for few months . Those plugins already installed in
IDE. If you want check this menu . There will be code menu
 1) code -> inspect code -> select the option.
 2) left bottom of Pycharm IDE inspection menu is there
 3)  right bottom of window click the cowboy option then click configure
inspections (you can see lot of options)
P.S : This is not necessary . By default It's enabled for you.

Hope this helps..

with regards,


*(http://gbala.in <(http://gbala.in>)*

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Anuvrat Parashar <anuvrat at anuvrat.in>

> Hi pythonistas
> So flake8, pylint etc provide a way to configure them according to your
> environments.
> Is it possible to run them on your project in PyCharm IDE similar to the
> way I can do it in SublimeText / Emacs?
> So that they are run every time you save your code and all the violating
> lines get highlighted.
> Hopeful,
> --
> Anuvrat Parashar <http://anuvrat.in>
> http://anuvrat.in
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With regards,


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