[PyDelhi] Call for companies to provide Sponsorship for meet up.

qua non akshayaurora at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 11:52:18 CEST 2015

Hi Gora,

Nice to see you interact here, I just learned a new word cause of you.
curmudgeon <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/curmudgeon>. Thanks.

I see two major point you mention,  essentially::

could we maybe have 3-5 regular meetings and establish a consensus on how
> the group is going to function

As Saurabh points out above we have been having very regular meets with the
no. of attendees growing every meet :)
The fact that you missed these might be a indication that *we are not
reaching out to every one* properly.

*What we did::*
We used multiple mediums so as to not leave out any one::

- The Mailing list(If you are reading this then you are already on it :))
- Meetup.com http://www.meetup.com/pydelhi/ page
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/pydelhi
- http://pydelhi.org
- irc #pydelhi

So a person using least one of these would get to know about the meets.

*I recognize this as a issue, Let us know of what other mediums we should
be using so we can reach more people.*

We also post

- *Meeting minutes on the mailing list* after every meet along with the
- *Invite to the hangout sessions*  to ML and irc

so it's easy to follow.

Just to recap *what has happened till now*.

We had a very positive response in our meet on June 20th where we

- Held ad-hoc talks and presentations
- Recorded some of these and put them up on the pydelhi youtube channel for
people to see

This is the link to the PyDelhi youtube channel

-  We were so impressed by the response we decided to try and hold bi
monthly meetups with talks and presentations.

This was a experiment and surprisingly the response was amazing, specially
from students who were just getting into this.
 *we even had companies come up and pitch to students and professionals.*

This was a surprising turn of events where we found ourself not only
helping the students and professionals have a place to gel together and
learn from each other, we had a place even for companies found worth while
hanging around and pitching to the community.

This all was not something that happened on it's own but cause of the
concerted efforts of every one involved,
Including Anuvrat,  Saurabh, Vinay, Satya, Geetika, me and all others who I
am forgetting to mention right now.

I am also leaving a lot of details like procuring a server + host and other
things that would simply make this e-mail too long
(Which it already is :p) plenty of drafts and documents for organizing...

Simply put there has been a lot of effort and community building that has
happened only in a short period of time we have had amazing 3 physical
meets and 6 hangout meets which were a blast and have shown use our

We would be glad to get more people involved in this, please do not
hesitate to join in.

This meet at Hauz Khas would be our 4th meet since June 20th.

The Second point::

While I am sure that many companies, including ours, would be glad to
> provide space and pay for any *food/drink*, but could we maybe have 3-5
> regular meetings and establish a consensus on how the group is going to
> function before jumping to such *trivial matters*?

*Sponsorship from companies:*

If we want to  see the community thrive and be self sustainable then
figuring out whether companies find this process to be worth while for them
enough to spend money on such trivial things is important.

While as a company you might feel this matter of sponsoring for food/place
to be trivial enough but we want to see how many companies feel this
strongly enough to come forward and actually provide. *To see if companies
just want to take or if they can give back too.*

Hopefully as we have seen from least one company that they are ready to
pitch in, we would like to see such a response from more companies.

Here is hoping we have a healthy response from all the companies involved.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Saurabh Kumar <thes.kumar at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I have been bemused by watching this thread. People do know me as being
> a curmodgeon, so please pardon me if this comes across as harsh, but can we
> focus on important things?
> Positive and constructive interference are always welcome and I think
> everyone
> should respect it. I personally didn't had any objections to any
> questions posted
> by you on this mailing list.
> As far as this thread and requirement is concerned, is a result of
> discussion on
> our IRC channel[1] and the idea is only announce the requirement for
> people/companies to help out.
> We already have confirmation from one person[name not disclosed yet] about
> sponsoring food/snacks for ~50 people @ Rs 300 per head. If more people
> what
> to do it the same, the final bill will be divided equally which will be
> paid
> directly by them at the venue.
> > While I am sure that many companies, including ours, would be glad to
> provide space and pay for any food/drink, but could we maybe have 3-5
> regular meetings and establish a consensus on how the group is going to
> function before jumping to such trivial matters?
> The process has already begun. We have had 6 online video meeting, 3 user
> group
> meetups and have already closed the call for core-volunteers form[2]
> where we invite
> people to organize themselves in 5 teams (as it shown in the form[]) who
> in tern
> will collectively decide the overall functioning of this Python Delhi
> User Group.
> All those who filled up the form have been instructed to:
> 1. remain connected to IRC and this mailing list
> 2. join our weekly video call whenever possible.
> 3. assemble at our next meetup[3] on 8th August to personal meet with each
>    other and take up responsibilities formally.
> I hope I was able to bring little insight into things happening.
> Things move fast.
> We try our best to keep up against the limitation/benefits of different
> tools
> of communication available today.
> **Footnotes:
> [1] http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/pydelhi?date=2015-07-31#l44
> [2] https://bit.ly/pydelhi-call-for-core-organisers
> [3] http://www.meetup.com/pydelhi/events/224203701/
> Cheers,
> --
> Saurabh Kumar
> https://saurabh-kumar.com
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