[Ncr-Python.in] Conducted the PythonMonth Workshop @ IIC, DU, South Campus

Naeblis naeblis.echo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 19:37:51 CEST 2013

On 08/06/2013 10:28 AM, Arulalan T wrote:
> Hi All,
> First of all I would like to thank Sanjeev sir, for giving us the
> opportunity to come and deliver a workshop with 50-60 students of Institute
> of Informatics & Communication (IIC), DU, south Campus on 02.08.2013. A big
> round of applause for the instructors and the volunteers who are doing all
> this besides their professional life, this surely shows the spirit and
> togetherness in the community.
> Also thanks to all the attendees for attending the PythonMonth workshop, all
> the volunteers had a great time with all of you.
> This being the first workshop of PythonMonth not only in NCR but anywhere in
> India,the positive response gives us the strength and motivation to conduct
> such activities again and again.
> Instructor :Mr. Arulalan
> Volunteers :
> Mr. Satyakaam Goswami
> Mr. Mahesh Salaria
> Mr. Piyush Kumar
> Mr. Konark Modi
> Mr. Saurabh Kumar
> Mr. Akash Anil and his team @ IIC for setting up everything.
> Resources :
> 1. Slides :
> http://www.slideshare.net/arulalan/python-anintropythonmonth2013-24875864
> 2. Pics : http://www.flickr.com/photos/72425757@N07/sets/72157634903856268
> PyCon India: PyCon India, the premier conference in India on using and
> developing the Python programming language is conducted annually by the
> Python developer community and it attracts the best Python programmers from
> across the country and abroad.
> For more details please visit : http://in.pycon.org/2013/ .
> Here I thank all the volunteers and Konark Modi for organized it well.
> --
> Regards,
> Arulalan.T
> Project Associate
> Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
> Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
> My Experiments In Gnu/Linux !  : http://tuxcoder.wordpress.com
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Cool. From the presentations slides, I take it that the talks were
pretty much intro-level.

I wish some of the more experienced Python hackers in the city would
meet up occasionally as well. I consider myself an intermediate to
somewhat-advanced Pythonista, but don't really know a lot of people here
whom I can talk to about this.

So consider a meetup (something like PyCon, but low-key?) for the rest
of us non-intro people guys? :)

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