[Ncr-Python.in] Small feed Back From a Newbie !!

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 18:33:23 CET 2012

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Vishal Ruhela <vishalruhela at hcl.com>wrote:

>  Thanks for the response Satya, and ir not every saturday then we can
> plan it twice or once a month. Also, A facebook group will allow the group
> members to gel with each other. Also, group chat will sort out doubts of
> many.

i said every second Saturday that comes to once in a month :-) , do as you
feel is correct , i doubt it will serve any special purpose looking at the
interactions i have seen so far on the list.

> I think we need to convince the admins for the same.
> Admins, your response is awaited !!

heeh i am the one , why do you need anything from them , just go ahead and
announce a meeting we will be there  :-)

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