[moin-user] MoinMoin issue

Mehma Sarja mehmasarja at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 21:05:28 EDT 2018

Hi Lars,

I think my use case is unique to put sensitive data on a home server. Which
leads to the need for SSL and authentication.

Currently Moin supports a bundled webserver and authentication. That's
where I get confused. The service is nice and responsive and I don't expect
it to do much. I have about 19 static pages with content and am not asking
for much performance.

When authentication is turned on, thats when performance takes a hit.
Waiting 15 seconds for each page is unrealistic.

Moin should ONLY enable a webserver for developers and testing. Nothing
more. It gives false hope for users and I wasted many hours coming to that

For a stand-aloner webserver, ssl or tls should be default in front of a
wiki now a days.

What really throws me off is the documentation treats Auth and SSL as an
afterthought. Users google howtos hoping for a straightforward solution.

This configuration is in the hands of geeks who think about over and
creative tricks are cool. Users just want the thing to work. Why hunt
through thr web and change multiple config files to get SSL and with going?


On Sun, Sep 2, 2018, 5:50 PM Lars Kruse <lists at sumpfralle.de> wrote:

> Hello Mehma,
> Am Sat, 1 Sep 2018 09:23:43 -0700
> schrieb Mehma Sarja <mehmasarja at gmail.com>:
> > [..] BTW, I'm documenting my steps and will share once it's setup. Ya
> know
> > funny how every wiki engine out there says they are mature and popular
> and
> > been around for years. However no one gets past a simple http [..]
> I may misunderstand your requirements, but delivering http content is more
> or
> less the only thing I except from any kind of web service. Everything else
> depends on the specific proxy or webserver that you plan to use. Thus you
> need
> to follow the documentation of your webserver for configuring https.
> Indeed I would be alarmed at first, if the moinmoin documentation
> contained a
> detailed description of how to configure https - as this could indicate,
> that
> moinmoin requires some exotic and unexpected configuration details based on
> the delivery method.
> But maybe I am missing the point and you discussed about something, I
> misunderstood.
> Enjoy your moinmoin voyage!
> Cheers,
> Lars
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