[moin-user] Installing Language Packages

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Nov 14 04:46:25 EST 2018

On Tuesday 13. November 2018 23.58.39 Peter Olsen wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I’ve been unable to install my language package.  I’ve installed the
> HelpOnSessions file by hand, but that’s not a feasible solution for all 185
> packages.
> The problem presents itself when the “all_pages” cell in the lower right
> hand corner of the table isn’t a link.  It is plain text.  I’ve looked at
> the raw source for the page and found that the table content for that cell
> is '''{{{all_pages}}}’’’.  I don’t know what to do with that, so it’s
> leading me nowhere.

This is presumably the table at the bottom of the LanguageSetup page. I am not 
sure it is supposed to be a link. However, clicking on the "install help and 
system page packages" link under "Installing page packages", you can see if 
this error appears:

  No page packages found.

If you do not get the above error, you should see a new page with a title like 

  Install language packs for 'English'

In the page, there should be a tall table with two columns. The "all_pages" 
option is at the bottom of that table, with an "install" link in the right 

Now, I found that I did get an error, but this was a consequence of the way I 
install the software - using a repository version directly, not a release 
archive - but I do not think this should affect you. I just had a look at this 
more closely, and I think that it is a symptom of the underlay not having the 
page packages available. You can check this by looking in the following place:


If there are no files in there, you are experiencing the same problem as I am. 
But again, this problem is likely to be specific to my way of working.

> I’ve included these lines in my wikiconfig.py
> superuser = [u"PeterOlsen",]
> page_front_page='PeterOlsen'
> print("Read wikiconfig.py”)
> My page_front_page is “PeterOlsen” and I seeing the output from the print
> statement, which leads me to believe that I’m a superuser, but I’m still
> unable to use the “all_pages” cell.

You can verify if you are logged in by looking at the top of the page and 
seeing if it says "PeterOlsen" (probably next to the logo and the "Settings" 
and "Logout" links) or whether it says "Login". If it says the latter, you 
need to log in.

You seemed to have problems logging in before. This was related to setting a 
password. Did you manage to solve those problems?

> When I attempt to run packages.py so I can install the packages directly, I
> get
> ImportError: No module named MoinMoin
> I’ve tried to write my own analog to packages.py, but it hasn’t worked out. 
> (Part of the problem may be that I’m not correctly reverse engineering the
> file schema of 1.9.8)
> Peters-MacBook-Pro:moin-1.9.10 pcolsen$ pwd
> /Users/pcolsen/Dropbox/Peter_Olsen_Wiki/moin-1.9.10
> Peters-MacBook-Pro:moin-1.9.10 pcolsen$ PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
> Peters-MacBook-Pro:moin-1.9.10 pcolsen$ echo $PYTHONPATH
> /Users/pcolsen/Dropbox/Peter_Olsen_Wiki/moin-1.9.10
> Peters-MacBook-Pro:moin-1.9.10 pcolsen$
> Both wikiserver.py and wikiconfig.py are in this directory and I’m launching
> the server from this directory.
> I’d appreciate any help I can get.

You will probably need to set PYTHONPATH so that it finds the MoinMoin 
package. It might be helpful for you to show us what is in the directory 
mentioned above.


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