[moin-user] archive of moin 1.5.8-1 site

Zarko Dudic zarko.dudic at oracle.com
Tue Oct 10 20:49:03 EDT 2017

Hi there, there is moin 1.5.8-1 wiki and I'd like to export it to a 
static site, I've been trying something like

# /usr/share/moin/server/moin.py --config-dir=/srv/www-data/moin/calpg \
 > --wiki-url=wiki.domain.com/calpg \
 > export dump \
 > --target-dir=/tmp/calpg

After pressing enter, the output I see is:

Serving on localhost:8000
Running as uid/gid 33/33

... and nothing else is happening, no files created in target-dir. And 
after cancelling the comment the output is:

"Thanks for using MoinMoin!"

Appreciate any help how to make this work. Or any other idea how to 
"archive" this legacy site.


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