[moin-user] MoinMoin + OpenLDAP

Lars Kruse lists at sumpfralle.de
Fri Mar 24 20:01:32 EDT 2017

Hello Michael,

please try to stick with plain text email messages on mailinglists - especially
when you are sending code. This makes it easer to read and reply to your mails.

Am Fri, 24 Mar 2017 17:37:50 +0100
schrieb Michael JOIGNY <mjoigny at neteven.com>:

> [..]

Are you sure, that your variable "ldap_common_arguments" is actually in use?
Here with my LDAP setup within moinmoin, I passed these arguments directly to
You can find my working example attached.

> I can query from the MoinMoin's host to my ldap server, so it's not a 
> connection problem.

Did you try to run "tcpdump" in order to verify, that the wiki host really
tries to talk to the LDAP server when you try to login?
 tcpdump -npi any port 389

Of course, logging would be the simpler approach.

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