[moin-user] How to rename pages and subpages?

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 1 10:40:34 EDT 2017

When you rename a page, there is a checkbox at the top of the rename dialog labeled "Rename all / subpages too?" If you check that, subpages will be renamed.
However, the links in the mother page will not be updated.
There is an option you can add to the wikiconfig.py file:
    show_rename_redirect = True

that will add a second checkbox to the rename dialog labeled "Create redirect for renamed page(s)?". (I could not find that documented anywhere other than MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py)
If you check both boxes on the rename dialog, then subpages will be renamed and in the place of the old subpage a revised page will be created redirecting to the new page. The mother page will also have a redirect from the old page to the new page.
If you try to rename back to a previously used page name you will get an error message.

Roger Haase 

    On Tuesday, August 1, 2017 6:42 AM, "Molecki, Christian (STL)" <Christian.Molecki at stala.bwl.de> wrote:

 Hello Volker,

you can manipulate the moinmoin database by using a script or application.
I already did something similar with a bash-script and sed.

I recommend you to shut down the Apache, so the working user, cannot edit any pages out of the cache.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christian Molecki
Referat 14: Systemtechnik und Datenmanagement
OE 143: Systemtechnik, Großrechner, Internettechnik, Datenmanagement

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: moin-user [mailto:moin-user-bounces+christian.molecki=stala.bwl.de at python.org] Im Auftrag von Volker Wysk
Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. August 2017 15:28
An: moin-user at python.org
Betreff: Re: [moin-user] How to rename pages and subpages?

Hello Christian!

Am Dienstag, 1. August 2017, 12:54:51 CEST schrieb Molecki, Christian (STL):
> > I don't quite get what you're saying in the last sentence. The pages are
> > all>
> >in the moin/data/pages directory, aren't they?
> That's correct.
> >They aren't ordered
> >hierarchically in the filesystem. The path separator "/" is mapped to
> >"(2f)".
> That's also correct.
> If you want to rename the subpages by renaming the motherpage, they should
> be ordered hierarchically (but they aren't).

Off list, I've asked you, if links referring to a page are updated when the 
page is renamed. You wrote No, they aren't. They will point to a non-existent 

I assume that this also applies to the RenamePage command of the package 

The way I want to use MoinMoin, I expect that I want to rename pages 
frequently. My enthusiasm of MoinMoin is fading...

I wonder if I could write a program for renaming pages, which directly 
manipulated the MoinMoin (file system) database. Would this be safe, if you 
stopped Apache before, and restarted it afterwards? What about Xapian? 
Anything else?


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