[Moin-user] GSoC 2015 aspirant: Validation of Wiki Contents

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Mar 9 14:11:06 EDT 2015

> I have set-up MoinMoin and using the software. Please guide me for the
> next step. What are the beginner level bugs to fix? 

Have a look into the issue tracker. Difficulty of some bug depends very
much on domain knowledge of who is trying to solve.

> Also I am interested in GSoC 2015 project "Validation of Wiki Contents".

Please keep in mind that these are ideas which you can use to assemble a
project. Not each idea is enough to full a GSOC.
Thus, you should make a good and detailled plan (and while doing that,
you will be able to project how long solving some stuff will take you).

> How should I start, need a brief overview of the project.

Think about it. Maybe storage.validation, storage.indexing is
interesting to see what metadata we have and what can be validated.

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