[Moin-user] GSoC 2015 Projects

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Mar 9 06:17:37 EDT 2015

> I am new to open source coding and wanted to contribute to moin-moin in
> thee GSoC phase. 2 projects particularly "Improve Issue tracker" and
> "improve blog" interest me a lot.
> How do I start my work so that I get to work on these projects during
> the GSoC?

Best is to join us on IRC #moin-dev (ask specific questions and be patient).

On the ideas page, there are quite some linked pages with stuff to read
- a lot of questions will be answered by that.

Besides that, just use the software you try to improve, you likely will
find more specific ideas about what could be done specifically.

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