[Moin-user] Question about underlay pages in 1.9.3

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Feb 4 17:50:45 EST 2015

On Wednesday 4. February 2015 19.21.50 Joseph Kang wrote:
> Hi, all. I'm new to the list. Our company has been running an internal
> MoinMoin wiki for several years now but it wasn't actively maintained
> until recently. We recently went through a migration from 1.187 to 1.9.3.
> If anyone needs to know the specific versions I upgraded to in-between the
> start and end, I'd be happy to provide that info.

1.187 sounds very old and not particularly Moin-like as a version number, but 
your problem description does seem to confirm that it's certainly an old, 
pre-1.6 version you're using.

> The question I have is about the underlay pages that got installed with
> 1.9.3. I noticed that at some point, the markup for inserting a line break
> changed from [[BR]] to <<BR>>. However the HelpOnFormatting page that got
> installed through the 1.9.3 LanguageSetup process shows that it's still
> [[BR]]. As far as I can tell, I am running with the underlay pages that
> were installed through 1.9.3. Is this the correct version of
> HelpOnFormatting for this release (mistakes and all)? I noticed that the
> layout and content on https://moinmo.in/HelpOnFormatting is completely
> different. I assume that's from the 1.9.8 version, correct?

The markup changed with Moin 1.6, if I recall correctly, and the 1.9.3 pages 
should describe the modern markup. Maybe the old help pages have been cached, 
although I would have expected a "moin maint cleancache" to have been executed 
during an upgrade, depending on how the upgrade was done.

> I cannot upgrade to 1.9.8 as our wiki is running on a major Linux
> distribution that, while current in other aspects, is only supporting
> Python 2.4 as the official, supported release.

I would imagine that 1.9.3 with backported security fixes would be good 
enough, although the issue then is who is responsible for backporting those 
fixes. I imagine that the vendor doesn't provide the Moin package for 1.9.3 
that you're intending to use (that is, you're using the source package from 
moinmo.in and not an OS vendor package) and thus isn't providing security 
updates for the code.

Typically, the advice given out in such situations is to try and adopt a later 
Python version to be able to use a later Moin version, which for enterprise 
distributions like RHEL might involve additional semi-official repositories 
like EPEL. Otherwise, you'd need to maintain your own Python installation 
specifically for Moin, too, but you can at least do so in a confined part of 
the system and not try and replace the system Python, which is generally 
regarded as a bad thing to do.


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