[Moin-user] data_dir does not exists - ConfigurationError

Ryan L. Raines ryanlraines at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 10:51:07 EDT 2015


CentOS 7
Apache 2.4.6 via yum
python 2. 7. 5
moinmoin 1.9.8

I've used these install steps as a guide -

I'm getting the following text:


*data_dir "/opt/installs/moin-1.9.8/share/moin/data" does not exist, or has
incorrect ownership or*

*Make sure the directory and the subdirectory "pages" are owned by the web*
*server and are readable, writable and executable by the web server user*
*and group.*

*It is recommended to use absolute paths and not relative paths. Check*
*also the spelling of the directory name."*

I have confirmed the data_dir does exist and matches apache's owner:group -
which is apache:apache.  Same is true for the pages/ sub-directory, its
owned by apache:apache and even has 777 permissions.

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