[Moin-user] Debian wheezy: problem installing moin moin

Renato renato.pontefice at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 07:16:19 EST 2014

as on my previous mail, I do not went forward :-(
I'm still blocked on the installation.

My step ahead, it' s about one idea about my prob. I think my prob is 
the apache conf.
I mean: the moin moin installation, seems to be went ok, but, on the 
step where I add the wiki on my apache with command:
"a2ensite /etc/apache2/sites-available/wiki"I receive the error: "ERROR: 
No site found matching /etc/apache2/sites-available/wiki!
". If I omit the path, ad write the command "a2ensite wiki" I have no error.

But, on my browser, if I type "localhost/wiki"  I do not receive any 
answer from the web server.

can someone help me to solve this prob? it's some days that I'm 
struggling with it (and I lose every time :-( )


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