[Moin-user] macros and logging

Suhr Spamalot suhrspamalot at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 23:27:53 EDT 2014


I'm running moinmoin 1.9.7 on CentOS 6.5 with Apache 2.2.15 and mod_wsgi
configured as a daemon.

I'm trying to understand why some macros compile and run properly, while
others do not. An example of the former is the Columns macro, located at
/opt/moinmoin/data/wikiname/data/plugin/macro/. In that same directory,
with the same permissions, is another macro (ChildPages) that will neither
compile nor run properly.

In attempt to debug the situation, I've configured debug-level logging for
both Apache and moinmoin. However, nothing regarding a macro of any type is
showing up in the logs.

Is there a macro-specific logging key that I have to enable in the logging
config file?moin_auth, moin_session and root are not getting me the info I
need for this issue.

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