[Moin-user] Segmentation Fault when trying to run moin.wsgi

Gustavo Violato gustavoviolato at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 10:02:13 EST 2013

2013/11/23 Thomas Waldmann <tw at waldmann-edv.de>

> > I've uninstalled the default apache instalation with:
> > $ apt-get remove --purge apache2*
> why?

because I'm stupid. :-)

> > ... and compiled/installed Apache 2.4 (installed in /usr/local):
> if you compile it on your own, you can easily make mistakes or overlook
> some stuff..

you are correct. After a lot of reading, I somehow thought that I could
just go ahead and compile...

> > I'm not experienced enough to debug this through the code, but maybe
> > someone could point me to the right direction?
> Well, the easiest way is not to compile stuff on your own.
> If you have good reasons to do so, maybe rather build from a source
> package from your linux distribution than using a source code archive
> from apache/mod-wsgi.
> then, chances are better you have the right dependencies in place,
> compile with the right options, etc.
> Thank you very much, Thomas!
I've removed my compiled Apache and did a default installation of
apache+mod_wsgi trough apt-get. Things are working just fine now!
Moinmoin is really cool!
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