[Moin-user] first install of moinmoin / my wiki does not look like origin moinmoin wiki pages

Jim Wight jkwight at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 06:40:16 EST 2013

On 13 November 2013 09:19, christian jeannot <info at os-plus.org> wrote:

> hello community,
> i have installed and configured moinmoin with the help of
> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/moinmoin.html. i have used
> "oswiki" instead of mywiki and changed to correspondig parts of the config.
> when i access it via firefox browser i get a screen which does not look
> like the original wiki pages. i have made a
> screenshot.http://scr.os-plus.de (user: scr; password: happa00).

 You are failing to access MoinMoin's static files in the htdocs directory.

Set url_prefix_static in the wiki's wikiconfig.py file, e.g.

    url_prefix_static = '/moin_static'

and then provide an Apache alias for that value pointing to htdocs, e.g.

    Alias  /moin_static

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