[Moin-user] moinmoin and xapian "unindexable object"

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Jul 24 06:07:07 EDT 2013

On Wednesday 24. July 2013 04.51.10 Robert Pitt wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using MoinMoin 1.8 and trying to set up the xapian indexer (v1.2.5-1).
>  Those pages that contain "<<FullSearchCached(category:CategoryXXXXXXX)>>"
> are displaying an "unindexable object" error message. Any ideas on how to
> fix this?

I recently upgraded my system to a distribution where the Xapian packages 
cause this problem. It turns out that an API change occurred in the Xapian 
Python bindings, and it looks like Moin 1.8's code uses the deprecated and now 
unsupported way of referring to various things within Xapian.

I've uploaded a patch to the following place:


Let us know if this fixes the problem for you!


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