[Moin-user] Moin2 installation question

li yan uuliyan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 11:59:27 EDT 2013


Yes, moin2.  I will say moin2 in the future.  I'm writing some
automated functional tests using selenium.  We met briefly last year,
and I've been working doing manual tests for the last 6 months.  I've
started to look again at writing the selenium functional tests. I
think it's best to write them for moin version 2 right?"

On Fri, 2013-08-02 at 20:56 +0800, li yan wrote:
> When I invoke moin in CMD window, I keep getting:
> 'moin' not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Looks like it is not in the search path. Did you activate the virtualenv
in THAT cmd window? Did you cd into the moin-2.0 directory?

Yes, I activated the virtual env in that cmd window.  Here's a screenshot
 attached. (screenshot.png )

> What I have done as follows:
> 1. Install python 2.7 by installing python2.7.2.msi
> 2. Install mercurial
> 3. Install easy_setup, pip, then virtualenv
> 4. Downloaded moin-2.0 by typing: hg clone
> http://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0 moin-2.0
> 5. cd into moin-2.0 directory, and type: quickinstall.bat
> 6. Type: env\Scripts\activate.bat to active the virtual environment
> 7. Type: moin

Sounds correct. That's also how it is documented, right?

Yes. It looks easy, but I can't quite seem to get it working.

> Tested with both 32-bit Windows xp, and 64-bit Windows 7. Same result both times.

Strange, Roger Haase developed that stuff and used it personally.

I personally don't use Windows, so maybe we should just ask him (email).

OK, sounds good.  What is his email address please?

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