[Moin-user] MoinMoin version number not updating in footer

xerofun at gmx.li xerofun at gmx.li
Wed Sep 5 10:57:06 EDT 2012


first of all, thanks for that great wiki software.

I just updated two wikis on two different servers from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4.

With "show_version = True" one server is correctly showing "MoinMoin Release 1.9.4" in the page
footer. The other keeps showing "MoinMoin Release 1.9.3", altough I definetly used
moin-1.9.4.tar.gz. Also /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MoinMoin/version.py shows the correct version.

I'm using moin.cgi with Apache. /usr/bin/env python returns Python 2.6.6. There are no old libraries
installed anywhere.

I also tried to remove /usr/share/moin and /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MoinMoin thus
reinstalling all core parts of moinmoin, but still no change. I use the standard modern theme, so
this is definetly not an issue of a hardcoded version number.

Any hints on what could be wrong?

Best regards


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