[Moin-user] Running an old version of MoinMoin

Ole Holm Nielsen Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk
Wed Mar 2 05:14:03 EST 2011

Doug Farrell <doug.farrell at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got a MoinMoin wiki I put together years ago that used MoinMoin version
> 1.5.1 in an Apache environment. I'd like to do one of two things in order to
> use the pages in this wiki again:
> 1)  I'd like to run this old MoinMoin wiki using the standalone server so I
> can copy the pages out of the wiki into a newer version of MoinMoin (1.9.3)
> so I could use the pages again.
> 2)  I'd like to migrate the pages from my old MoinMoin version 1.5.1
> directory to my newly installed MoinMoin version 1.9.3.

I recently went through a similar migration to 1.9.3.  Getting the required
documentation was a pain, but in the end it worked quite well.  I submitted
my experiences (on a Linux server) here: http://moinmo.in/HowTo/BeginnersLinux
There are other HowTo documents that may be useful in http://moinmo.in/HowTo

Ole Holm Nielsen
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

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