[Moin-user] testwiki.py in http://moinmo.in/DimitriJanczak

Gang Xu jmgxu at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 13 12:03:31 EST 2011

I'm following the procedure document here, http://moinmo.in/DimitriJanczak, to install MoinMoin 1.9.3 on W2k8.

I followed it step-by-step, until I reach the section to 'create one file per wiki you want to host'. Here the example, testwiki.py is missing.

I finished the steps below to create 
C:/wikis/testwiki/data/dict C:/wikis/testwiki/data/pagesand copy plugins to C:/wikis/testwiki/data/plugins
I'm not sure about the SiteName in the next step. I guess it is in the missing testwiki.py.

Now I'm at the step to try 'http://localhost/<somewikiname> to check you have at least a python page'. I tried http://localhost/wiki1 and got the 'ConfigurationError'.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

I have been having a lot of problems when move my server to W2k8. My Moin 1.8.2 works great on W2k3. When I move to w2k8, I start to hit all kinds of problems. I can't find anything about W2k8 and Moin 1.8. Have been dead in the water for awhile. Luckily, I found the article here. I'm hoping to use it to upgrade to 1.9, with WSGI support. 


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