[Moin-user] Deleting Page doesn't delete attachments

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 13:53:03 EST 2011

Am 09.12.2011 15:42, schrieb Nikolaus Rath:
> Hello,

> I noticed that when I delete a page, the page attachments are not
> deleted. Is that a bug or a feature?


> Is there a way to automatically delete attachments with the page?

I ususally rename pages tp Delete_ prefix and clean it them up regulary
on the server. e.g. moin ... maint cleanpage ...

If xmlrpc is enabled you can delete by that too.

> Is there a way to list all "orphaned" attachments whose page has been
> deleted, so that I can clean them up?

That is implemented in moin2. We don't have that in moin1


> Thanks!
>    -Nikolaus

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