[Moin-user] Can I block people from creating accounts if they don't verify their address?

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Thu Dec 8 17:00:24 EST 2011

On Thursday 08 December 2011 16:05:31 Steven W. Orr wrote:
> This is not really what I want. I don't want other people to not be allowed
> to create accounts. What I want is to prevent people from creating accounts
> whose email address matches a pattern. In my case (today) the interlopers
> are all on the .info TLD

Are they all providing .info e-mail addresses or are their requests 
originating from addresses resolving to .info domains? It seems to me that 
spammers could easily work around restrictions on e-mail addresses. 
Nevertheless, you could just change the newaccount action to check the e-mail 
address. Something like this, after checking for the address's presence for 
an existing user and just before saving the new user...

  blocked_pattern = getattr(request.cfg, "blocked_email_addresses")
  if blocked_pattern:
      blocked_regexp = re.compile(blocked_pattern)
      if blocked_regexp.match(theuser.email):
          return _("Couldn't register you!")

Feel free to use this, play around with it, use multiple patterns or whatever. 
I guess you'd set the pattern up like this:

  blocked_email_addresses = r".*?\.info$"

You could use the | operator and brackets to add more possibilities.

> Another thing that would be wonderful would be if the account creation
> could be completed only by responding to a confirmation email, the same as
> if you were signing up for a mailing list.

I saw the following e-mail confirmation patch when searching the Moin site 
for "account creation":


The discussion is a bit weird because a lot of the timestamps give the current 
time instead of the time of each message, but it seems that people have been 
looking at this code and the problem in general fairly recently.

> But, I don't want to disallow everyone from signing up as a default.
> BTW, I should mention that all of the spam that I'm getting is not only
> coming from the .info TLD, it's also coming in despite TextCha being
> enabled. That never used to be the case.

It's possible that determined people could target a site using TextCha and 
defeat it, but that goes somewhat beyond what TextCha is designed to handle.

With regard to general frameworks around the mechanisms discussed here, the 
new account action doesn't seem to utilise any event mechanisms that you find 
elsewhere in Moin, so you can't write a plug-in that performs a 
post-registration check. I experimented with an event handler that performs 
authorisation checks on edits:


This is a potentially large sledgehammer to crack the nut of spam, however, 
but it effectively queues all edits from anyone you haven't explicitly 
nominated as being trustworthy. Spammers shouldn't see any of their edits 
published unless you approve them.


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