[Moin-user] running wikiserver.py, upgrade from 1.8.4 to 1.9.3

jurriaan at rivierenland.xs4all.nl jurriaan at rivierenland.xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 27 06:38:29 EDT 2010

From: Thomas Waldmann <tw-public at gmx.de>
Date: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 05:51:41PM +0200
> On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 17:25 +0000, Jurriaan wrote:
> > I'm running a personal wiki using moinmoin-1.8.4 on a windows 2003
> > server.
> > What steps do I have to take to upgrade to 1.9.3?
> There is some docs in docs/* in the 1.9.3 download.
> It sounds like you could just download 1.9.3, unpack it, rename the data
> dir contained in it, copy your data dir to that place and then run the
> migration script. If you have anything special in your wikiconfig, you
> need to manually change/add it to the new wikiconfig before running the
> migration.
> Afterwards, you'll notice that some important system pages are missing -
> visit LanguageSetup and read that page to get them.
It turns out I had to run python setup.py install in order to be able to
run the migration script as python data.py. It bothers me a bit that the
software runs just fine without installing lots of python modules and
files all over the place, but for an upgrade this is necessary.

However, after the upgrade (which provided no output except for 'logging
configuration read from built in ....) and adding my frontpage to
wikiconfig.py, I see all my pages but RecentChanges on any page is

The LanguageSetup page suggest I may have to install language packs. In
order to do so, I have to change the wiki config, it says. However, when
I add a line

superuser = u"Jurriaan"

to wikiconfig.py, the wiki doesn't work anymore. All I see on the server
is ....  "GET / HTTP/1.0" 500 -

Chaning u"Jurriaan" to u'Jurriaan' doesn't help.

removing the line gives me .... "Get / HTTP/1.0" 200 - and the wiki
works (except for RecentChanges). 

All in all, I feel I'm missing something. The older pages are there
under data/pages/<name>/revisions, they're just not shown.
Do I need a language pack if I set my language to English in my user

Are the packages I can install only visible if I am recognized as a
superuser? At the moment, the page says 'You should see links for each
supported language' and I don't see any links. It also mentions setting
language_ignore_browser, but adding a line 

language_ignore_browers = True

to wikiconfig.py

doesn't get me RecentChanges.

It must be something with languages, because the logfile mentions

WARNING MoinMoin.Page:1396 The page "MissingPage" could not be found.
Check your underlay directory setting. 

I'm stumped again!

Kind regards,

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Money has no home or nation
It has no friends and it won't stay long

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