[Moin-user] Archive an wiki

moinmoin at uni.de moinmoin at uni.de
Sat Jun 19 11:08:03 EDT 2010

But that will still require a host allowing to run the wiki ...
Was there not a way to reduce a wiki to the html pages instead?
This could be archived and later still be hosted.

Cannot remember how that can be done :-|

 On Thu  21:57 , "Thomas Waldmann" tw-public at gmx.de sent:
> > I have a MoinMoin wiki that I want to archive. I
> don't need to the user > accounts, version histories, discussion, just
> the content. What is the best > way to do that? (continue hosting it is not an
> option)
> You can either just keep the data_dir (everything important is in
> there,content, users, logs).
> Or, if you want to throw away all history, you can "flatten" it
> and justkeep the current revisions:
> First, have a backup. :)
> Then: moin ... main reducewiki --help
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