[Moin-user] Need help migrating to WSGI

Nico Zanferrari nicozanf at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 01:35:17 EST 2010

No, I've already tried the fix :

from farmconfig import FarmConfig
class Config(FarmConfig):
    from MoinMoin.web.session import FileSessionService
    session_service = FileSessionService()

but it didn't work...

>From my point of view, this problems is different. The authentication
is not valid anymore whatever I do after the first page - even on the
same wiki! On the server, I can see the session files but on the
client there is no cookie at all.

Thank you,

2010/1/7 Thomas Waldmann <tw-public at gmx.de>:
>> I have exactly the same problem (authentication valid just for the
>> fist page, with a fresh 1.9 WSGI setup on Ubuntu 9.10). I've noticed
>> that in this case the session cookie is not wrote at all on the client
>> (tested with Chrome) - even with cookie_lifetime = (1, 12) parameter
>> in farmconfig.py . Logging does not seem to help....
> Is it maybe related to this fix?
> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/rev/437558fff184
> There is also a bug report on the wiki with a workaround without moin
> code patching:
> http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/1.9WikiFarmSessionDirHandlingBroken

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