[Moin-user] Alternative to request.is_ssl?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Feb 22 10:45:30 EST 2010

> in moinmoin-1.9 there seems request.is_ssl to be gone

There were many changes in request due to the refactoring to

> (or is it just because i moved from fcgi to wsgi?)

No, for moin it is all wsgi now anyway. If you'ld still run fcgi with
moin 1.9, it would be webserver --fcgi--> flup --wsgi--> moin.

> Is there an alternative way to find
> out, if the connection is secured by ssl in moin-1.9?

Try this: request.is_secure (that is a werkzeug request property that
checks for https url scheme).

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