[Moin-user] Is it possible to display local images?

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Mon Feb 8 16:04:01 EST 2010

On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 09:48:25PM +0100, Mail at Heavy.ch wrote:
>    Am Montag, den 08.02.2010, 17:55 +0000 schrieb Chris G:
>  Is it possible for moinmoin to display 'local' images, i.e. images
>  which are already on the system where moinmoin is running?
>  I'm running version 1.9.1 on xubuntu 9.10.  All I want to do is
>  display images which are already on the system as .JPG files.  I don't
>  want to upload them into moinmoin as it will be a waste of space and
>  if I edit the original image (in my main photo album) the moinmoin
>  copy won't get changed.
>    embending images is easy, just read here:
>    [1]http://moinmo.in/HelpOnImages
Yes, I read that, but it doesn't actually work for *any* images that I
have tried it with.  It may work if you're actually sending an image
from a remote system to the system where moinmoin is running but it's
total rubbish if you're on the same system.

>    now the bit complicated part... your images on your  filesystem. I would
>    try to do something like this
>    1. install some apache and
>    2. configure the webserver in that way that your image directories are
>    accessible over localhost or your local domain like >>
>    http://yourhostname/images/s000023.jpg  <<   (but you have be careful
>    about your apache security configuration, because if your apache server is
>    also from the Internet  available,  others can also read  directly your
>    images, too)
>    3. then you can write in your moinmoin someting like
>    {{[2]http://yourhostname/images/s000023.jpg}}
OK, but *why* doesn't something like:-


work?  file:/ is a perfectly valid URL.

I don't want to put my whole picture archive on the internet.

Not to mention that it would seem that URLs or directories with spaces
in their names seem to break things too.

Chris Green

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