[Moin-user] help with tables

Michael Decker m.decker at fz-juelich.de
Fri Aug 20 02:18:01 EDT 2010

Hi Thomas,

> I must be doing something really stupid. I am relatively new to using
> MoinMoin, and have tried this both with version 1.8.? and 1.9.3. The
> information on tables makes it appear to be quite simple to produce
> them. Here is code I have used, intending to get a bulleted list with a
> table under each bullet. Instead, the second bullet and table appear to
> the right of the first.
I have tried your example and I see your problem.

> '''Course A''' <<BR>>
> *'''Homeworks''' <<BR>>
> ||<tablestyle="float: left;" tablewidth="60%;" style="border:none;"
> width="5%"> [[attachment:hw1.pdf|HW 1|&do=get]] ||<style="border:none;"
> width="14%"> [[attachment:hw2.pdf|HW 2|&do=get]]||<style="border:none;"
> width="5%"> [[attachment:hw3.pdf|HW 3|&do=get]]||<style="border:none;"
> width="5%"> [[attachment:hw4.pdf|HW 4|&do=get]]||
Did you try leaving away the tablestyle option? If I understand your 
description correctly, then this gives me exactly what you wanted.

Michael Decker
Forschungszentrum Jülich
ICG-2: Troposphäre

E-Mail: m.decker at fz-juelich.de

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