[Moin-user] installing MoinMoin on ubuntu

Frank Lin PIAT fpiat at klabs.be
Thu Oct 8 17:20:21 EDT 2009

On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 14:10 +0200, Nico Zanferrari wrote:
> >> If you use moinmoin >= 1.8.2 (i.e Jaunty or Karmic), make sure you
> >> install the package "fckeditor" as it is merely "suggested" in Ubuntu.
> Well, installing the package is not enough: you have also to link it
> in the right place!
> For example (on a standard Janty) I do:
> sudo rm -r  /usr/share/moin/htdocs/applets/FCKeditor
> sudo ln -s  /usr/share/fckeditor  /usr/share/moin/htdocs/applets/FCKeditor
> [surely there's a better way to do it...]

Yep, see the README file:

,-----( /usr/share/doc/python-moinmoin/README.Debian.gz )-------------
|  [...]
|Some optional features requires extra packages and configuration
|GUI editor
|    In order to use GUI editor, you need to install the package
|    fckeditor, and make sure you have two lines likes thoses ones
|    in apache configuration file:
|        Alias __STATICPATH__/applets/FCKeditor/ "/usr/share/fckeditor/"
|        Alias __STATICPATH__/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/"
|    In order to disable GUI editor, you might want to add those two
|   lines in the wiki configuratoin (typically /etc/moin/mywiki.py)
|        editor_force = True
|        editor_default = 'text'
|DocBook rendering.
|    In order to render wiki pages as DocBook (i.e. xml), you will need 
|    to install the package python-xml. (When missing, moinmoin will 
|    display the error "No module named ext.reader")
|  [...]

> By the way, in order to save pages as docbook you'll also need to
> install the python-xml package.

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