[Moin-user] Testing a macro

Raphael MARVIE raphael.marvie at lifl.fr
Tue May 12 08:01:28 EDT 2009

Dear all,

I am in the process of writing macros in order to extends MoinMoin and 
avoids the addition of an external server for one of my applications. I 
am trying as much as I can to use Test Driven Development when writing 
code, but I have not find information regarding the testing of macros. I 
am especially interested in the mocking of the first parameter of macro.

Does such support exist? Am I supposed to use the _test_template.py from 
the MoinMoin sources? But then, what is the difference between the 
request and the macro objects? If it does not exists, could you provide 
me hints at how such a base test case class should behave in order for 
me to have an attempt at providing it?

For the moment, I do not think of an alternative to the use of the twill 
framework in order to (a) deploy the macro to a wiki and (b) send HTTP 
requests in order to test the macro behavior. But, this approach cost 
more than "unit tests" in terms of setup and execution.

Thanks a lot.


Raphael Marvie, PhD                http://www.lifl.fr/~marvie/
Maître de Conférences / Associate Professor  @  LIFL  --  USTL
Directeur du Master Informatique Professionnel spécialité IAGL
Head of Master's in Software Engineering     +33 3 20 33 59 51

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