[Moin-user] Issue with SSPI auth

Rick Vanderveer rick.vanderveer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 13:55:30 EDT 2009

Hello Bernd,
The changes are documented.  Moin documents slightly differently than
other projects-- all the changes and upgrade hints are in the
\docs\CHANGES file.  In upgrading, you have to work from your current
version up to the current, following all the hints along the way.

However, since it sounds like you may be running a configuration very
close to what I run, you may want to follow/subscribe to my page, as I
always try to stay up-to-date with the current releases and document
the critical changes in an easy-to-follow step by step instructions:


And, to reiterate what Thomas said in his email-- while these changes
often seem arbitrary to us users/admin's, they are ultimately for the
better.  Getting an existing installation upgraded can sometimes be
tricky, but it's for the better in the end...


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Bernd Bartmann
<bernd.bartmann at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just solved the issue. It turns out not to be releated to the sspi
> auth itself.
> The reason was yet again a switch in the HTTPAuth config in
> wikiconfig.py from moin-1.7.x to moin-1.8.x
> In moin 1.7.x I had:
>    from MoinMoin.auth.http import HTTPAuth
>    auth = [HTTPAuth]
>    user_autocreate = True
> Now, with moin-1.8.x this has to be changed to:
>    from MoinMoin.auth.http import HTTPAuth
>    auth = [HTTPAuth(autocreate=True)]
> So for new users that tried to access the Wiki for the first time
> after the switch to moin-1.8.x the issue was that their user account
> was not created automatically anymore within the Wiki.
> This again raises the questions why the upgrade process from one moin
> version to another is so poorly documented. At least I see room for
> improvement here.
> Best regards,
> Bernd.
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