[Moin-user] problems configuring moin 1.9.0b2

Jim Wight j.k.wight at ncl.ac.uk
Tue Mar 17 10:36:55 EDT 2009

> I'm sorry to persist, but I want to make this work, so I will keep 
> posting until I am either banned from the list or until someone helps me.
> I attach once again a file containing my attempt to document my problem. 
> I have made a single file this time, hoping that is more tempting to 
> someone not completely indisposed to helping me.
> The file contains
>  1. the contents of /etc/moin/farmconfig.py

I haven't looked any further, but

("wiki", r"^http://ws0\.uspvp\.org/.'$")

doesn't look right. Shouldn't that be .*$, not .'$?


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