[Moin-user] gsoc and moinmoin

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 07:51:59 EDT 2009

Lukasz Szybalski schrieb:
> Hello,

> Is moinmoin participating in a gsoc?

It's to early to answer, see http://code.google.com/soc/
The accepting applications period has just started.

> Will one of the projects be a continuation of "storing moinmoin in a
> distributed revision control". I am waiting for moinmoin to store its
> files in bazaar. There was some work done on hq but it never made it
> into mainstream. Would be nice to finalize it and allow moinmoin to
> run with bzr and hq and maybe git.

For some ideas/plans please look at



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