[Moin-user] 1.8.3 trouble

Emilio Lopes eclig at gmx.net
Tue Jun 2 02:51:03 EDT 2009

Neal Becker <ndbecker2 <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Thomas Waldmann wrote:

> > Except maybe if the mod_wsgi module you use is broken (like the one in
> > debian lenny, people had editing problems there depending on the length
> > of the POST - upgrading to a non-broken mod_wsgi fixed it).
> > 
> Updating to mod_wsgi 2.5 seems to have fixed it (need some more testing)

Maybe someone more acquainted with the MoinMoin procedures should add
a warning note to HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithModWSGI about it (it's
read only, I can't find it on master19).  On the other hand, there is
also HowTo/ApacheWithModWSGI, with pratically the same contents.
Should these be merged?


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