[Moin-user] forking server under moin 1.9

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Jul 30 09:33:14 EDT 2009

> > Why do you need that / why doesn't threading work for you?

> I need to be able to limit resource usage during the serving
> of a page and
> 1) threads cannot be killed/terminated by parent
> 2) one cannot apply limits (e.g., memory, cpu) to individual threads
> 3) a signal cannot be set for an individual thread
> Specifically, the resources used during a call out to some macros
> a d parsers that I am using may not be predictable (e.g., a long
> db query operation) or bounded (e.g., an infinite loop). There
> may be some coding alternatives for some cases, but my need is
> simply to be able to abort these call outs.
> Do you see any solution to this problem other than forking?

No, not really.

Well, then try what I suggested. If it works for you, I guess we can add
some option so it will be usable without the moin user having to hack
the moin src.

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