[Moin-user] Need to login although cookie not expired

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 08:55:54 EDT 2009

Reinhard Mayr aka Czerwinski schrieb:
> Hello,
> I run MoinMoin 1.8.2 on a W2K3 Server / IIS 6. My cookie_lifetime is set to 150 so that users don't have to re-login too often.
> However, it sometimes happens that users have to re-login although the cookie is NOT expired, maybe just a few minutes after login. I experienced that this mostly happens when working with embedded pictures (although I do not see any connection...)
> Can anybody shed some light on the problem and tell me where to look, what to tweak in order to keep the cookie effectively alive for the given period of time?
> Thanks in advance!
> Reinhard.

Which browser do you use?

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