[Moin-user] disabling self-registration

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 11:46:56 EST 2009

andy baxter schrieb:
> Hello,
> Is there an easy way to set up moinmoin so that new users have to email 
> me to get a login rather than register themselves? 

You can do it by acls

acl_rights_before = u"YourName:read,write,admin,delete,revert"
acl_rights_default = u"UserGroup:read,write All:read"

and on the page UserGroup you can add a acl line which gives only you
write rights.

Then the newbies have to ask you to become added to that page and only
users on that page have write access.

Additional you can enable in your the settings to be notified by a user


I've set up a moin
> wiki mainly for use as a quick and easy web publishing tool for stuff 
> I've written myself, and I'm thinking that this would be an easy way to 
> prevent it getting spammed while still allowing people I know or meet on 
> the net to make comments if they ask me first.
> The only way I can think of doing it is to modify or delete the file
> .../lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/action/newaccount.py
> But this seems a bit awkward and tricky so it would be good if there 
> were an easier way.
> Thanks,
> andy
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