[Moin-user] common initialization for forking server

John Marshall John.Marshall at ec.gc.ca
Tue Aug 4 23:29:20 EDT 2009

John Marshall wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been taking a look at the moinmoin 1.9 and werkzeug
> code, specifically having to do with a forking server. It seems
> that the forking server runs the application _from the start_
> for each fork. If I am understanding things correctly, this
> means that a lot of work is done after the fork, much of which
> is common to all processes. And, from some timing I've done,
> it is not insignificant.
> Not knowing all the initialization details of MM, I wonder if it
> is possible to have MM perform the initialization common to all
> processes (prior to any forking) and then pass a suitable entry
> point to the forking code (i.e., run_simple)?
Just to follow up, one of the things I see happening for
each request is that the wikiconfig.py (and in turn the
multiconfig.DefaultConfig) is read and executed. Could
this not be done once?


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