[Moin-user] Announcement: OpenDocument export for MoinMoin 1.6

Hape Schaal hp.news at gmx.de
Sun Oct 26 07:06:17 EDT 2008


I just uploaded the first version of this formatter which works with 
MoinMoin 1.6:


The previous version for MoinMoin 1.5 is still available there.

The formatter is called MoinMoin2ODF and exports a MoinMoin wiki 
page to an OpenDocument-Text (.odt) file.

OpenDocument is the standard file format of OpenOffice and KOffice. 
Many other applications can read this file format as well.

You can also use this formatter for PDF creation with OpenOffice as 
an intermediate step where you can edit and polish your documents 
before converting them to PDF.
Of course you can use OpenOffice as well to convert your wiki pages 
to MS Word files.

Changes of this version:
  - Works with MoinMoin 1.6
  - No feature changes (same features as previous version)

You can download the formatter at:

Be sure to read the right section in INSTALL.txt before installing: 
There's help for automated install (Windows/Linux), manual install 
(in case you installed the MoinMoin packages of your linux 
distribution) and manual install for you MoinMoin Desktop edition.

For feedback you can also use:

Have fun,


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